Believe it or not the saying that good things come in small packages is very true.
There is a lot of technology and innovation that goes into the packaging. The bottom line is contract packaging is big business. In North America alone, the contract packaging market is expected to exceed $20 billion over the next couple years.
Packaging materials and supply chain companies are acquiring or engaging in strategic transactions with contract packagers.
Packaging is used throughout the supply chain and is integral to product filling, shipping distribution and retail marketing. Manufacturers can do it themselves or contract out to specialized packaging companies. But there is a cost, whether it be in higher transportation and labor, or in an inefficient, time-consuming order-to-delivery process.
However, by outsourcing these services to a third party contract packaging company, companies can focus more on their core competencies, such as product innovation and brand development.
Instinctive reactions can be designed into packaging through the application of Biomotive Triggers. These are sensory cues that affect our subconscious, generating emotion and action before the conscious part of our brain can respond. There are lots of triggers, and we have identified 16 key combinations that are interconnected. Understanding these primal cues can help brands connect emotionally with consumers, build defendable assets and sell more products.
There are Five things the product packaging must do to be successful. Effective packaging makes it easy to determine who I am, what I am, and why I am relevant to ones’ life. Here are 5 things the product must do:
- Stand out. You need to make your brand the consumer’s signpost to the category. Just covering the shelf and shouting louder than everyone else won’t cut it. You need a point of orientation on the package that draws a shopper’s eye and communicates the essence of the proposition.
- Be Simple. Simple design is more effective. In a busy, visually agitated market, we so rarely experience moments of visual or auditory calm that we gravitate toward it.
- Pass the five-year-old test. If you can describe your brand to a five-year-old, send them into a store to find it, and actually get it, your packaging creates an iconic connection. Consumers will come back week after week looking for it.
- Trigger emotional engagement. Consumers act when a brand makes them feel something. When someone looks at you, you’re compelled to look back to determine the nature of the attraction. That’s your survival instinct at work. For this reason, there’s nothing more powerful in packaging than eye contact.
- Create iconic assets. The best packaging creates a series of visual equities, a sort of tool kit that can be transferred to every form of consumer communication.
Quality of the products is in the details of the products. A key ingredient to quality is the detailed verification of the raw materials when it first arrives at the manufacturer. Quality starts and ends with excellence; attention to detail is practiced throughout the entire production cycle, until the job is complete. Packaging is the key to success – attract the eye and that is half of the battle.
More info:
Liquid Packaging Solutions
Types of Materials Used for Contract Packaging Services